International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure InformationCommunication Technologies and Systems

Centre of Excellence (CE) is a research and development organization, which is involved in international science and technology cooperation with added value for the European Research Area. The results of its research and development are intended for commercial and social practice in Slovak Republic and are reflected in the training of new researchers.

Smart Grid

Intelligent network

The smart grid is an advanced energy grid to which is added a two-way communication between supplier and consumer. It requires a change of perspective on the way energy systems are managed, the introduction of smart metering, monitoring, control systems, automation and ICT, as well as innovative fault detection and resolution systems. 

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Big Data

Data analysis

The challenge of Big Data theme is in general the processing, analysis, prediction and visualization of big volumes of data in real time to support the future decisions. Solution of modelling, analysis and prediction of big power engineering data demands.

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Cryptography involves research and design of the encryption systems with criteria such as confidentiality, security, availability or integrity.

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