History, Present and Future of Electrical Engineering in the Slovakia, September 27. – 28.-th., 2017

In connection with the successful implementation of the project “International Centre of Excellence for the Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems”, the scientific promotional activity was also related to the event “History, Present and Future of Electrical Engineering in Slovakia”, which took place on September, 27 – 28-th. 2017 in the Banská Štiavnica.       In the conference attended was except of experts from universities and the academy, technicians, memorials and practitioners, also by secondary school teachers and selected best secondary school students from all over Slovakia.

A part of the conference was also a student section called “Technical Education – Open Gate for Young People”, whose aim was, besides motivating secondary school students to study at technical universities, to familiarize themselves with the implemented ATOS project and also with the issue of Smart Grids and the issue of Cryptography. Presentations at the “Technical Education – Open Gate for Young People” included prominent experts in the field of energy, automation, automotive and IT, with whom the students discussed the topics of technical progress in companies and the further possible application of students in practice.

More at: https://www.fei.stuba.sk/en/diani-na-fei/aktuality/historia-sucasnost-a-buducnost-elektrotechniky-na-slovensku-1.html?page_id=5015