Názov projektu:
11/2019 - 06/2023
The project will implement independent research and development, industrial research and experimental development of new smart solutions responding to current trends and to the requirements of Directive 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the promotion using of renewable energy and the need to ensure affordable, fault-free, quality and manageable energy using new energy technologies and services so-called "Renewable Energy Communities" (Community of Microgrids), which will enable companies to transform into a pro-active role and become a leader in the design of their energy economy and the relationship with the environment in order to expand knowledge in this area and better understand given topics. Within the mentioned product line, the implementation of research and development will be carried out within the following specific topics:
using the potential of institutions and individuals with the active participation of the capacities of university science parks and research centers with the definition of R&D activities aimed at high potential for practical application.
Activity no. 1: Industry research in the field of economic modelling of energy systems for peer-to-peer transactions
Implementer: Atos IT Solutions and Services s.r.o.
The activity will analyze the economic aspects of building, operating and using community microgrids, including tools for the implementation of peer-to-peer billing of energy in the environment of local energy systems. On this basis, the architecture of the modeling tool and standards supporting the implementation of these functions will be proposed.
Activity no. 2: Experimental development of an economic model of efficiency of the microgrid
Implementer: Atos IT Solutions and Services s.r.o.
In this activity, the economic model of a microgrid will be compiled. This model will carry out a business case analysis of the costs of building and operating vs. economic return in the context of savings opportunities for self-consumer, mutual settlement in micro-networks or the location of surpluses on the electricity market. The results of the analyses will propose a methodology for calculating the return on investments in building local energy systems, including their impact on the environment.
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
This activity will include a computerised smart grid model (including various energy sources, lines, loads, measurement and control elements). This model will also be used in other activities of the project. On this model will be carried out analysis of measured electrical quantities, processing and evaluation of quality indicators of electricity. The results of the analyses will propose measures to prevent adverse network conditions by applying appropriate smart metering and control systems.
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Design and implementation of a concrete simulation model of a microgrid in a top energy simulation environment – analysis, prediction, detection of anomalies and visualisation of data generated by a microgrid.
Research of the microgrid universal simulation model using UI methods and in a project created by the cyber model of the microgrid – the use of machine learning and neural networks for the analysis, prediction and visualization of big data generated by Smart Grid.
Analysis of the behaviour of a microgrid in emergency situations. To ensure the fulfilment of the obligations of TSO (transmission system operator) resulting from the new energy legislation.
Development of an interactive visualization of the simulation process of modelling of microgrids - development of educational materials for the microgrid area using the transfer of knowledge and technology from the NEWTON H2020 project.
Modelling and design of the use of blockchain technologies for data transfer in microgrid environment.
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development of data acquisition and processing from the model experimental operation of the multifunctional laboratory microgrid of SAV
Implementer: Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAV in Bratislava
As part of the activity, the experimental laboratory of SAV “Smartgrid” will examine the processes of renewable energy (RES) generation, in particular through PV-electric and geothermal earth wells and its possible temporary storage in electric batteries, compressed air or heat storage for future needs. The aim will be to monitor the efficiency of obtaining and using energy from RES in the period during the project solution in the given location, to provide the data obtained for the creation of optimization models, to verify created models in the real experimental operation of the laboratory, or to simulate in experimental operation some extreme conditions that could occur in real operation.
The energy within the laboratory will be obtained from solar radiation by means of PV and thermosolar collectors and from earth’s heat by means of 4 meter earth wells (water-water). It will then be converted into electricity and heat (thermal pump) using a sophisticated control system and used in operation of the technologies of the UMMS experimental hall. Energy from RES can be used either in island operations or as a complement to the network grid. The control system allows accurate monitoring of all parameters of the energy system. Surplus energy from RES in island operation will be stored in batteries, thermal storage into phase transformation (PCM) and compressed air. It can then be used as electrical or directly mechanical energy, or as heat. The built-in battery tester with power up to 60 kW also allows experimental simulation of the various energy states of the laboratory even without the need for immediate use of RES.
Activity no. 5: Industrial research in the field of optimizing data structures of the elements of the electricity system for the modelling and simulation of smart networks/microgrids
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s.
The research and development activity will deal with the analysis of the range of data needed for system modelling (electrification power system elements, their static and dynamic parameters and interconnection methods, analysis of external influences and mutual interactions between elements of the electricity system in stable and transition phenomena on data structures of models, design of database data structures and entities necessary for system modelling, creation of data structures of individual elements in the relational database and verification of data filling data from the laboratory microgrid.
Activity no. 6: Experimental development in the area of development of tools for the modelling and simulation of smart networks/microgrids
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s.
The research and development activity will deal with the design of the overall architecture of the solution for modelling and simulation of the microgrid, the development of prototype solution (Network Modelling Database, Metering Management System, interfaces to other modules), deployment and configuration of the prototype, creation of a digital twin laboratory microgrid, its testing and verification of the functionality of the integrated solution.
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: ATP JOURNAL: THREE PILLAR OF SMART GRID (Slávik, Holiš, Poničan, Sadloň)
Activity no. 6: Experimental development in the area of development of tools for the modelling and simulation of smart networks/microgrids
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s., STU in the Bratislava
Date of publication: 10/2020
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Prediction of Photovoltaic Power Using Nature-Inspired Computing (Sumega M., Anna Bou Ezzeddine, Gabriela Grmanová G., Rozinajová V.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in the Bratislava
Date of publication: 2020
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Distribution-wise Symbolic Aggregate approXimation (dwSAX) (Kloska M. a Rozinajová V.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in the Bratislava
Date of publication: 2020
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Intelligent Analysis of Data Streams (Rozinajová V., Bou Ezzeddine A., Grmanová G., Vrablecová P.,Pomffyová M.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in the Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
(Šály V., Packa J., Perný M., Andráš M., Tomica J.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in the Bratislava
Date of publication: 2020
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in the Bratislava
Date of publication: 2020
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Perspektíva multifunkčnej technológie budov „MESLED“ (Kováč Z., Perný M.)
Activity No. 3: Nezávislý výskum a vývoj v oblasti modelovania a simulácie lokálnych energetických sústav (mikrogridov) v priemysle a ich vplyvu na ostatnú elektrizačnú sústavu
Implementer: STU v Bratislave
Date of publication: 2020
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
ATP Journal - Virtual interview with the Professor František Janíček not only about energy
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in the Bratislava
Date of publication: 17.12.2020
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Output: CEII_AKT5_Milnik1_Sumarny_vystup
Activity no. 5: Industrial research in the field of optimization of data structures of the power system elements for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Milestone no. 1: Analysis of the range of data needed for the system modeling (elements of the power system, their static and dynamic parameters and interconnections)
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s.
Date of publication: 2/2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Output: CEII_AKT5_Milnik2_Sumarny_vystup
Activity no. 5: Industrial research in the field of optimization of data structures of the power system elements for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Milestone no. 2: Analysis of the external influences and mutual interactions of the power system elements in steady and transient phenomena on data structures of models
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s.
Date of publication: 2/2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Output: CEII_AKT6_Milnik1_Navrh_Celkovej_Architektury
Activity no. 6: Experimental development in the field of tools for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Milestone no. 1: Design of the overall architecture of the solution for modeling and simulation of the microgrid
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s.
Date of publication: 2/2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Small modular reactors (Novotný, Krbaťa, Slávik)
Activity no. 5: Industrial research in the field of optimizing data structures of the elements of the electricity system for the modelling and simulation of smart networks/microgrids
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s., STU in the Bratislava
Date of publication: 7/2021 (ATP Journal No: 6/2021)
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Enlit - Energy management in Rail Transport (Chochol)
Activity no. 5: Industrial research in the field of optimizing data structures of the elements of the electricity system for the modelling and simulation of smart networks/microgrids
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s., STU in the Bratislava
Date of publication: 12/2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Output: CEII_AKT5_Milnik3_Sumarny_vystup
Activity no. 5: Industrial research in the field of optimization of data structures of the power system elements for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Milestone no. 3: Proposal of data structures of the database and entities required for the modelling of the system
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s.
Date of publication: 1/2022, ISBN 202
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Output: CEII_AKT6_Milnik2and3_Navrh_Celkovej_Architektury
Activity no. 6: Experimental development in the field of tools for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Milestone no. 2: Development of a prototype
Milestone no. 3: Deployment and configuration of the prototype
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s.
Date of publication: 1/2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Electrical Response of Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells (Perný et al.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: CIE: Assessment of road lighting performance (Gasparovsky Janiga)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: ELITECH: Improvements for BLDC motor control (Dodek, Miklovicova)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: ELITECH: Harmonisation of the requirements for electricity generators in the EU (Ponican et al.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: ELITECH: The course of renewable resources production (Kurcz et al.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Energetika_cz: Cables with improved fire performance (Packa et al)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Energetika_cz: Some Aspects of the Activity of PV modules (Šály et al.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Energetika: STU participates in an important project (Perný et al.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Energies: Three-Phase and Single-Phase Measurement (Cintula et al.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: ETIMA: Complex Evaluation Model of a Small-Scale (Ponican et al.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: IJSDP: Possibilities of Increasing of Energy Efficiency (Perný a et al.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: IWSSIP: Peak shaving in microgrids using battery storage (Londak et al.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: JEEC: Impact of the fixed and variable component of electricity price (Janicek et al.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: JEEC: On single pole instrument voltage transformer (Janicek et al.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: JKS: Some aspects of modeling the economics of operation of photovoltaic systems installations on family houses (Golej et al.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: MSTE: STU and industrial partners are solving the smart project (Perný et al.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: PC: Implementation of selected control theory (Dodek et al.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: PRE: Negative Sequence Current as a Breaker Failure Protection for Medium Voltage Grids (Eleschova, Skumat)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Redžur: HALO hologram hardware (Džačko et al.)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Redžur: Technical solution of a camera system for 3D video (Mihálik, Rozinaj)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2021
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Activity no. 5:Industrial research in the field of optimization of data structures of the power system elements for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s. 60% , STU in Bratislava 40%
Date of publication: 9/2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Statistical analysis of PV power plant production in second resolution (Novotný)
Activity no. 5: Industrial research in the field of optimization of data structures of the power system elements for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s.
Date of publication: 9/2022 SCOPUS
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: ATP Journal: Active consumer of energy in the center of interest (Láznička)
Activity no. 6: Experimental development in the field of tools for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s.
Date of publication: 10/2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: ATP Journal: Smart grids will help reduce energy consumption and integrate more renewables (Janíček, Simančík, Chochol, Krbaťa, Perný, Mokráň, Poničan, Kurcz, Slávik, Sadloň, Gebura, Jarás, Kment, Pípa)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development in the field of obtaining and processing data from experimental model operation of multifunctional laboratory microgrid SAS
Activity no. 6: Experimental development in the field of tools for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Implementer: STU 67%, IMMM SAS 18%, SFÉRA, a.s. 15 %
Date of publication: 10/2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Operational analysis of photovoltaic power plant and battery storage within the smart grid (Milan Jarás, János Kurcz, Ján Poničan, Marek Gebura, Jaroslav Longauer, František Simančík)
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development in the field of obtaining and processing data from experimental model operation of multifunctional laboratory microgrid SAS
Implementer: IMMM SAS
Date of publication: 11/2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: OVERVIEW OF RECENT EUROPEAN RENEWABLE ENERGY POLICIES (Behul, Stadtruckerová, Chochol, Janíček)
Activity no 1: Industrial research in the field of economic modelling of energy systems for peer-to-peer transactions
Activity no. 5: Industrial research in the field of optimization of data structures of the power system elements for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: Atos IT Solutions and Services s.r.o. 80%, SFÉRA a.s. 10%, STU in Bratislava 10%
Date of publication: 11/2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Activity no 1: Industrial research in the field of economic modelling of energy systems for peer-to-peer transactions
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development in the field of obtaining and processing data from experimental model operation of multifunctional laboratory microgrid SAS
Implementer: Atos IT Solutions and Services s.r.o. 50%, IMMM SAS 50%
Date of publication: 11/2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Activity no. 6: Experimental development in the field of tools for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s. 15% , STU in bratislava 85%
Date of publication: 11/2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Activity no. 5: Industrial research in the field of optimization of data structures of the power system elements for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Activity no. 6: Experimental development in the field of tools for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s. 85% , STU in Bratislava 15%
Date of publication: 11/2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: MODELLING AND SIMULATION OF MICROGRIDS IN SLOVAKIA (Jarásová, Holiš, Krbaťa, Slávik, Minárik)
Activity no. 5: Industrial research in the field of optimization of data structures of the power system elements for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Activity no. 6: Experimental development in the field of tools for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s. 80% , STU in Bratislava 20%
Date of publication: 11/2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Journal TREND: Slovak research project prepares energy of the future (Behul)
Activity no. 2:Experimental development of microgrid efficiency economic model
Implementer: Atos IT Solutions and Services s.r.o.
Date of publication: 20.12.2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Algebraic Zero Error Training Method for Neural Networks Achieving Least Upper Bounds on Neurons and Layers (Juraj Kacur)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Parametric Analysis for Performance Optimization of Line-Start Synchronous Motor with Interior Asymmetric Permanent Magnet Array Rotor Topology (Vasilija Sarac, Dragan Minovski, Peter Janiga)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: ELMAR: Data Communication in Microgrid (Juraj Londák, Martin Medvecký, Radoslav Vargic)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: ELMAR: Web Intrusion Classification System using Machine Learning Approaches (Mansi Bhatnagar, Gregor Rozinaj, Puneet Kumar Yadav)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: INES: Topic Modeling on News Articles using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (Mykyta Kretinin and Giang Nguyen)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: IWSSIP: Advanced load shaping using battery (Juraj Londák, Radoslav Vargic, Matúš Navarčik)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: IWSSIP: Comprehensive Electric load forecasting using ensemble machine learning methods (Mansi Bhatnagar
Vivek Dwivedi, Gregor Rozinaj, Divyanshu Singh)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: IWSSIP: Identification of Generator Active Power
Oscillations Stability Measure (Marián Tárník, Martin Ernek,
Martin Dodek, Eva Miklovičová, Adrián Ilka, Tomáš Murgaš)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: K&I: Comparison of Neural Models for Modeling
Dynamic Changes in Microgrids (Slavomír Kajan, Jozef Goga,
Peter Mácsik, Jarmila Pavlovičová, Ladislav Körösi)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Processes: Analysis of voltage stability of the Slovac´s republic Power system (Žaneta Eleschová, Boris Cintula, Matej Cenký, Anton Beláň, Jozef Bendík, Peter Janiga)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Processes: Stochastic Approach for Increasing the PV Hosting Capacity of a Low-Voltage Distribution Network (Jozef Bendík, Matej Cenký, Boris Cintula, Anton Beláň, Žaneta Eleschová, Peter Janiga)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Sensors: Frequency, Time, Representation and Modeling Aspects for Major Speech and Audio Processing Applications (Juraj Kacur, Boris Puterka, Jarmila Pavlovičová, Miloš Oravec)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: USS: Decentralised controller design for a large-scale linear discrete-time polytopic uncertain systems (Vojtech Veselý, Jana Paulusová, Vladimír Kučera)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: ICETA: Covert Channel Detection Methods (Adrian Ondov, Pavol Helebrandt)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: ICETA: Gamification of cyber ranges in cybersecurity education (Martin Jelo, Pavol Helebrandt)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: INTELLIGENT AND SECURE INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND SYSTEMS - Proceedings of the Modra-Harmónia conference 10.11.2022
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: A synergistic effect of the ion beam sputtered NiOx
hole transport layer and MXene doping on inverted perovskite solar cells
DIN, Muhammad Faraz Ud** - HELD, Vladimír - ULLAH, Sami - SOUSANI, Shima - OMASTOVÁ, Mária - NÁDAŽDY, Vojtech - SHAJI, Ashin - ŠIFFALOVIČ, Peter - JERGEL, Matej - MAJKOVÁ, Eva. A synergistic effect of the ion beam sputtered NiOx hole transport layer and MXene doping on inverted perovskite solar cells. In Nanotechnology, 2022, vol. 33, no. 42, art. no. 425202, [7] p. ISSN 0957-4484.
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development in the field of obtaining and processing data from experimental model operation of multifunctional laboratory microgrid SAS
Implementer: IMMM SAS
Date of publication: 2022 (Web of Science)
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: A wide-angle X-ray scattering laboratory
setup for tracking phase changes of thin films in a chemical vapor deposition chamber
VÉGSO, Karol** - SHAJI, Ashin - SOJKOVÁ, Michaela - PRIBUSOVÁ SLUŠNÁ, Lenka - VOJTEKOVÁ, Tatiana - HRDÁ, Jana - HALAHOVETS, Yuriy - HULMAN, Martin - JERGEL, Matej - MAJKOVÁ, Eva - WIESMANN, J. - ŠIFFALOVIČ, Peter. A wide-angle X-ray scattering laboratory setup for tracking phase changes of thin films in a chemical vapor deposition chamber. In Review of Scientific Instruments, 2022, vol. 93, no. 11, no. 113909. ISSN 0034-6748.
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development in the field of obtaining and processing data from experimental model operation of multifunctional laboratory microgrid SAS
Implementer: IMMM SAS
Date of publication: 2022 (Web of Science)
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Aligned Bilayer of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Suppresses the Polysulfide Shuttle in Li−S Batteries
ASHRAF, Muhammad Adeel - VÉGSO, Karol - SHAJI, Ashin - BODIK, Michal - SÁNCHEZ, Mayela García - ZUBAIR, Muhammad - DIN, Muhammad Faraz Ud - MAJKOVÁ, Eva - STRAKOVÁ FEDORKOVÁ, Andrea - KECKES, Jozef - ŠIFFALOVIČ, Peter**. Aligned Bilayer of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Suppresses the Polysulfide Shuttle in Li-S Batteries. In ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2022, vol. 5, no. 12, p. 15649-15655. ISSN 2574-0962.
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development in the field of obtaining and processing data from experimental model operation of multifunctional laboratory microgrid SAS
Implementer: IMMM SAS
Date of publication: 2022 (Web of Science)
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Dynamic Changes of Photovoltaic Power Plants Power Supply (Kurcz, Poničan, Chudý, Šály, Janíček, Gebura)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development in the field of obtaining and processing data from experimental model operation of multifunctional laboratory microgrid SAS
Implementer: STU in Bratislava, IMMM SAS
Date of publication: 2022 (SCOPUS)
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Stepwise sulfurization of MoO3 to MoS2 thin films studied by real-time X-ray scattering
SHAJI, Ashin - VÉGSO, Karol - SOJKOVÁ, Michaela - HULMAN, Martin - NÁDAŽDY, Peter - HALAHOVETS, Yuriy - PRIBUSOVÁ SLUŠNÁ, Lenka - VOJTEKOVÁ, Tatiana - HRDÁ, Jana - JERGEL, Matej - MAJKOVÁ, Eva - WIESMANN, J. - ŠIFFALOVIČ, Peter**. Stepwise sulfurization of MoO3 to MoS2 thin films studied by real-time X-ray scattering. In Applied Surface Science, 2022, vol. 606, no. 154772. ISSN 0169-4332.
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development in the field of obtaining and processing data from experimental model operation of multifunctional laboratory microgrid SAS
Implementer: IMMM SAS
Date of publication: 2022 (WoS, SCOPUS)
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: ICICT: Peak Shaving in Microgrids Using Hybrid Storage (Juraj Londák, Radoslav Vargic, Pavol Podhradský)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Dynamic course of electricity supply from photovoltaic power plants: measurement and analysis of second data (Kurcz, János; Poničan, Ján; Perný, Milan; Packa, Juraj, Janíček, František; Gebura, Marek; Simančík, František)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development in the field of obtaining and processing data from experimental model operation of multifunctional laboratory microgrid SAS
Implementer: STU in Bratislava, IMMM SAS
Date of publication: 2022
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Applied research of intelligent RES resulted in significant cooperation between STU, SAS and industrial partners (1) (PONIČAN, Ján - KURCZ, János - PERNÝ, Milan - SLÁVIK, Jakub - JANÍČEK, František - SADLOŇ, Matej -SIMANČÍK, František - GEBURA, Marek - JARÁS, Milan - KMET, Attila - PÍPA, Marek)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development in the field of obtaining and processing data from experimental model operation of multifunctional laboratory microgrid SAS
Implementer: STU in Bratislava, IMMM SAS
Date of publication: 5/2022 (ATP Journal No 4/2022)
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Applied research of intelligent RES resulted in significant cooperation between STU, SAS and industrial partners (2) (PONIČAN, Ján - KURCZ, János - PERNÝ, Milan - SLÁVIK, Jakub - JANÍČEK, František - SADLOŇ, Matej -SIMANČÍK, František - GEBURA, Marek - JARÁS, Milan - KMET, Attila - PÍPA, Marek)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development in the field of obtaining and processing data from experimental model operation of multifunctional laboratory microgrid SAS
Implementer: STU in Bratislava, IMMM SAS
Date of publication: 6/2022 (ATP Journal No 5/2022)
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Smart grids will help reduce energy consumption and integrate more renewables (Janíček, František; Simančík, František; Chochol, Peter; Krbaťa, Rastislav; Perný, Milan; Mokráň, Marek; Poničan, Ján; Kurcz, János; Slávik, Jakub; Sadloň, Matej; Gebura, Marek; Jarás, Milan; Kment, Attila; Pípa, Marek)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development in the field of obtaining and processing data from experimental model operation of multifunctional laboratory microgrid SAS
Activity no. 5: Industrial research in the field of optimization of data structures of the power system elements for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Implementer: STU in Bratislava, Sféra, a.s., UMMM SAS
Date of publication: 11/2022 (ATP Journal No 10/2022)
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Operational analysis of grid photovoltaic power plant within smart grid (PONIČAN, Ján - JARÁS, Milan - KURCZ, János - GEBURA, Marek - LONGAUER, Jaroslav - SIMANČÍK, František)
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development in the field of obtaining and processing data from experimental model operation of multifunctional laboratory microgrid SAS
Implementer: IMMM SAS
Date of publication: 11/2022 (INTELLIGENT AND SECURE INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND SYSTEMS - Proceedings of the Modra-Harmónia conference 10.11.2022)
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: The importance of a photovoltaic power plant with battery storage and the first research results on such a system (KURCZ, János - PONIČAN, Ján - TÓTH, Peter - JARÁS, Milan - LONGAUER, Jaroslav - GEBURA, Marek - SIMANČÍK, František)
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development in the field of obtaining and processing data from experimental model operation of multifunctional laboratory microgrid SAS
Implementer: IMMM SAS
Date of publication: 11/2022 (INTELLIGENT AND SECURE INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND SYSTEMS - Proceedings of the Modra-Harmónia conference 10.11.2022)
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Operational analysis of photovoltaic power plant and battery storage within the Smart Grid (JARÁS, Milan - KURCZ, János - PONIČAN, Ján - GEBURA, Marek - LONGAUER,
Jaroslav - SIMANČÍK, František)
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development in the field of obtaining and processing data from experimental model operation of multifunctional laboratory microgrid SAS
Implementer: IMMM SAS
Date of publication: 11/2022 (INTELLIGENT AND SECURE INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND SYSTEMS - Proceedings of the Modra-Harmónia conference 10.11.2022)
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Output: CEII_ACT5_Milestone4_Summary_report
Activity no. 5: Industrial research in the field of optimization of data structures of the power system elements for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Milestone no. 4: Setting up data structures of individual elements in a relational database
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s.
Date of publication: 1/2023
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Output: CEII_ACT6_Milestone4_Overall_architecture_design
Activity no. 6: Experimental development in the field of tools for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Milestone no. 4: Creating a digital twin of a laboratory microgrid
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s.
Date of publication: 2/2023
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Output: CEII_ACT5_Milestone5_Verification by filling the database with data from the laboratory micronetwork
Activity no. 5: Industrial research in the field of optimization of data structures of the power system elements for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Milestone no. 5: Verification by filling the database with data from the laboratory micronetwork
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s.
Date of publication: 7/2023
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Output: CEII_ACT6_Milestone4_Overall_architecture_design
Activity no. 6: Experimental development in the field of tools for modeling and simulation of the smart grids / microgrids
Milestone no. 5:Testing of the prototype in relation to a real microgrid
Míľnik č. 6: Verification of the funcionality of integrated solution
Implementer: SFÉRA, a.s.
Date of publication: 7/2023
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Electrical Engineering: Three-phase and single-phase measurement of overhead power line capacitance evaluation (Matej Cenký, Jozef Bendík, Boris Cintula, Peter Janiga, Anton Beláň, Žaneta Eleschová)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2023
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: EPE: Ground Current Analysis during Steady State and Transients in Power System (Žaneta Eleschová, Boris Cintula, Anton Beláň, Matej Cenký, Jozef Bendík, Peter Janiga)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2023
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Przeglad Elektrotechniczny: Concept of Smart ACR Setting in Real-Time Operation of Power Systems (Jakub Slávik, Žaneta Eleschová)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2023 (PE No 3/2023)
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: ATP Journal: Decentralized greenhouse farm regulator proposal (Zoltán Kováč)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2023 (ATP Journal No 4/2023)
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: ATP Journal: CE2 project on smart electricity grids among the most successful (Milan Perný, František Janíček, Miriam Szabová, Zoltán Kováč)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2023 (ATP Journal No 6/2023)
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: ATP Journal: Reflecting on the role of small modular reactors in the energy mix (Štefan Čerba, Branislav Vrban, Jakub Lüley, Vladimír Nečas, František Janíček)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2023 (ATP Journal No 6/2023)
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Ekomagazín: The impact of European legislation in the field of ecology on the composition of cable mixtures (Juraj Packa, Vladimír Šály, Milan Perný)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 4/2023 (ATP Journal No 1/2023)
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Energetika Strojárstvo: Study Electrical Power Engineering at FEI STU (Milan Perný, František Janíček)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2023
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Green magazine Slovakia: History and development of photovoltaics in the world (Milan Perný, František Janíček, Vladimír Šály)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2023
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Green magazine Slovakia: Direction and use of photovoltaics in Slovakia (Milan Perný, František Janíček, Vladimír Šály)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2023
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Elektrotechnológie: Photovoltaic power plants and the energy market (János Kurcz, Vladimír Šály, Peter Tóth)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 5/2023
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Elektrotechnológie: The effect of water on selected dielectric properties of impregnant in the cured state (Juraj Packa, Vladimír Šály, Martin Hanus)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 5/2023
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Elektrotechnológie: Influence of higher harmonics on LV network when using nonlinear devices (Milan Perný, Vladimír Kujan, Dušan Gavora, Juraj Packa, Vladimír Šály )
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 5/2023
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: ELITECH: Battery Energy Storage Systems and Electricity Market (János Kurcz, Vladimír Šály, Peter Tóth)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development in the field of obtaining and processing data from experimental model operation of multifunctional laboratory microgrid SAS
Implementer: STU in Bratislava, IMMM SAS
Date of publication: 5/2023
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Efficiency of battery storage operation and functionality in hybrid microgrid IMMS SAS (LONGAUER, Jaroslav - PONIČAN, Ján - KURCZ, János)
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development in the field of obtaining and processing data from experimental model operation of multifunctional laboratory microgrid SAS
Implementer: IMMM SAS
Date of publication: 2023
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Development of production and use of electricity and heat from renewable sources by application of smartgrids in Slovakia (LONGAUER, Jaroslav - JARÁS, Milan - KURCZ, János - PONIČAN, Ján)
Activity no. 4: Independent research and development in the field of obtaining and processing data from experimental model operation of multifunctional laboratory microgrid SAS
Implementer: IMMM SAS
Date of publication: 2023
Project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage
Publication: Analysis of photovoltaic power plant (Dávid Takács, Milan Perný)
Activity no. 3: Independent research and development in the field of modelling and simulation of local energy systems (microgrids) in industry and their impact on the rest of the electricity system
Implementer: STU in Bratislava
Date of publication: 2023